Elastic, Waterproof Exterior Wall Paint
ISONEM BE 99 It is a paint that forms a seamless, elastic and waterproof layer by drying on the surface on which it is applied. It creates a decorative coating. It is water-based polymer-based, solvent-free and has 300% elasticity. It can be applied on dry or slightly moist surfaces. It is resistant to UV and outdoor weather conditions. It is water-impermeable but has a water vapor permeable structure. It provides the buildings to breathe and prevents moisture, damp with this feature. Thanks to its special formula, it does not keep dirt and preserves its first-day feature for many years. It prevents the carbon dioxide gas formed in the structure and thus protects the equipment in the concrete by reducing the formation of carbonization. It protects the buildings against the effects of rain, dirt, traffic etc. from the external environment. Since it has high elasticity, it is not affected by cracks that may occur on the building surface.
· All kinds of plaster and painted exterior surfaces,
· Mineral render etc. on old coatings,
· Exterior surfaces, wood, etc.
· In buildings covered with thermal insulation systems,
· For the painting of concrete or prefabricated structures,
Surface preparation: Before application, the surfaces must be clean, free of oil, dirt, mud and loose parts should be cleaned. The surface may be dry or slightly humid. It should not be applied on surfaces with salt efflorescence from the negative side. If the application surface has cracks, holes, etc., these should be repaired with ISONEM M 03 elastic mortar. If dilatation is present on the surface, it should be filled with ISONEM A 4 elastic filler in advance. Before ISONEM BE 99 application, ISONEM UNIVERSAL PRIMER (1: 7 diluted with water - 1 part primer, 7 part water) insulation and paint primer should be applied one layer with 100 - 200 g/m² consumption and then is allowed to dry for 4 hours. In steel/metal surfaces, the surfaced should be primed with ISONEM Anti Rust Primer (Anticorrosive primer), consumption of 0,250 - 0,350 kg/m².
Application method: ISONEM BE 99 is ready to use. We recommend that the product is mixed homogeneously before using it. The application can be made with a brush, roller or a suitable sprayer. After the primer application, ISONEM BE 99 is applied to the surface by two coats, waiting between the coats at least 4 hours and the painting process is finished.
CONSUMPTION: 0,5 - 1 kg/m² (It may vary depending on the colors, the properties of the application surface and the pattern roll to be applied.)
5 kg: 5 - 10 m²/bucket
10 kg: 10 - 20 m²/ bucket
18 kg: 18 - 36 m²/ bucket
COLOR: All requested can be produced in colors.
PACKING: 5 kg, 10 kg and 18 kg PP buckets
SHELF LIFE: 24 months from date of production if stored in original, unopened, undamaged packages.
STORAGE CONDITIONS: Store tightly closed in a dry and cool place.